How Does It Work?
Congratulations! You’ve decided to take the first step on the road to helping your dog and working through their problems. Oftentimes, this is the hardest thing to do! Now what happens? We book a consultation time for you. Standard Behaviour Consultation are 90 minutes unless otherwise discussed. For behavioral consultations, the initial meeting is two hours. All follow up consultations are one hour unless otherwise discussed.
Behavioral Consultations: At the initial meeting in your home, we assess the dog, her environment and her issues. The client is taught a combination of training and management techniques to begin to alleviate the problems. After the behavioural consultation, you will receive a set of bullet point notes from the meeting and a number of handouts that pertain to you and your pet. You will receive the Behaviour Consult Report, a 100+ page document, within 30 days of the consultation. If you prefer to have a hard copy mailed to you, this can be arranged for an additional nominal fee. This report will include training techniques, FYI behaviour information, prognosis and follow up recommendations.
For more information about our services, please contact us at or 416-738-6059. For fastest service, please email us.
You may have noticed that FBNF does not offer training or behavior packages combining consults and training sessions. This is a deliberate business decision made with you, the owner and consumer in mind. Every owner and their dog are unique, and their personalities, lifestyle, and skills are unlike any other. Rather than the ‘cash grab’ of selling an owner an expensive package of visits and services that they may not need, we design the consults and follow-up visits to be affordable and flexible as single services. This way, you only pay for the training that you need and want, and you aren’t forced to try to guess how many sessions you’ll need before you even begin. Thanks to the in-depth and personalized information that you receive during the 90-minute consultation combined with the free follow up e-mail option, most clients do not feel the need to book any follow up visits. Other owners prefer to take a few weeks to absorb the information and then book one or two one hour follow up sessions to fine tune their hands-on work. The important thing is that either way, it’s up to you. You know your own needs and learning style better than anyone and I respect that it’s your money and your choice.
Step 1: Complete and submit the forms on this page
Step 2: You will receive an e-mail within 48 hours offering you appointment options
Step 3: Choose an appointment and reply back to us to lock in your choice
Step 4: You will receive an e-mail within 48 hours to confirm the booking
(You are under no obligation to book an appointment once you have submitted the forms.)
Form 1) The Registration
• This form includes a picture of your dog, your basic contact information, and a quick overview of other details, such as entry codes for condos, basic information, and service selection.
• It should take you between 2 to 5 minutes to complete
Form 2) The Fact Sheet
• This is a longer form, which will take you between 10 to 45 minutes to complete.
• Please note that the sections on Housetraining’ and ‘Separation Anxiety’ are optional, and only need to be completed if these are areas of concern.
• You may explain and provide details to answers, regardless of the size of the field on the form. All information will be received.
• You may wonder why you are being asked to fill out such a long form when your problem seems pretty clear. Some of the reasons that we ask you to provide these answers are:
° Your dog’s behavior is influenced by many things, some which may seem obvious and others that may not. This form helps to clarify details to the consultant that allow them to more effectively help you and your family.
° Many owners say that after completing the forms, they have gained insight into themselves and their relationship with their dog.
° By having the client fill out this form prior to meeting, FBNF is able to provide you with the most effective consultation for your money. Look, we know that booking a behavior consultation isn’t cheap. And unlike other trainers or consultants, who will book an appointment based on an e-mail or phone call, we want to have as much information as possible beforehand. That way you’re not wasting money and time during the session giving the Behaviorist information that they should already have. This form lets you and your consultant hit the ground running.